Our works / Ads Cases

Here you can see the ads cases of our work in Google, Facebook and other work.

Promotion of an online business investment search school.

The task of advertising is to invite you to a free webinar. (conversion rate). Ads cases – info.
There were several directions:
– advertising in Yandex and Google Ads,
– advertising on Facebook
-advertising in Telegram chats
Here we are talking about contextual advertising.
There was a test run to see if such a format would be interesting in this topic.
A webinar was held where they sold a 3-day master class and made purchases. Therefore, now everything is being screwed up and will be launched within a month.
Some results on the work of advertising.
Results on Yandex.
One Ads on the search, 2 groups with the main keywords (29 pieces).
The results are as follows:
Impressions – 191
Clicks – 16
CTR – 8.38%
wCTR – 19.35%
The Flow Rate Of 1.57 EUR
Average cost per click to 0.10 Euro

It is difficult to fully evaluate, not much time has passed, but there were no conversions, although there were several people who then returned through retarketing and were at the webinar.
Three Ads on the РСЯ, this one worked best. In the process, I twisted and improved the result. Others worked less successfully, but I will also finish them.
The results are as follows:
Impressions – 421 493
Clique – 2 479
CTR – 0,59%
Consumption – 53.02 Euros
Average cost per click to 0.02 Euro
Conversions – 29

Results on Google
One Ads on the search, one group of 16 keywords.
One Ads per CRM, two groups for different audiences.
I didn’t work enough, I didn’t have time to change anything. Only 15 Euros were spent.
Deeper analytics showed the presence of conversions.

Franchise, search for partners all over Russia.

water filter
water filter

Product: franchise, water filters for apartments, private homes and the like, turnkey business. Ads cases – filter.

Goal: to attract interested entrepreneurs to a webinar where they can talk about business opportunities in detail.

The client himself has set up several advertising campaigns in the Yandex search and Yandex advertising network. Consistently spent up to 1000 rubles a day and received 1-3 requests a day. People didn’t reach the webinar. However, for the search campaign, there were very few impressions at the top of the search.

Task: with the same budget, get 5-10 people on the webinar (once a week). According to the client’s statistics, this will allow you to find one partner every 2 weeks.

Actions: we started by studying the client’s business, studying the offer, and searching for competitors. In order not to fix existing ad campaigns, we decided to create new ones. We collected semantics on the topic ourselves, in a new way. The product is not mass-produced, so there won’t be many customers. We decided to use only specific keywords, such as “buy a ready-made business” and the like. We formed a competitive advantage and created a “Unique trade Offer”. We decided to limit ourselves to two advertising campaigns: one on search and the other on Yan. The client’s metric and conversions were configured correctly. To get to the top of the search, set a higher bid per click and reduce the actual CPC due to the high CTR.

Result: average values of the main indicators:

Period Impressions per day Clicks per day cost per click, rub Expense, rub / day Conversions per day Conversions, % goal Price, rub
01-14.06 8 806 94 7,03 657,60 1,36 1,45 484,55
15-23.06 14 555 108 7,11 766,79 33,25 30,82 23,06
changes +65% +14% +1,1% +16,6% +2 344% +2 025% -95%

We were particularly pleased with the 95% reduction in the bid price.

The conversion rate of the application to the webinar visitor was about 10% and it gave 16 people on the webinar. In the future, the campaigns continued to work and the client “complained” that he did not have time to process all requests.

We didn’t expect such a sharp increase, but it’s always nice to exceed expectations.

Sports compression sleeves

Sports compression sleeves

Online store of goods for sports, more specifically – bandages and compression underwear. Ads cases – e-shop.

Commodity: compression underwear for sports.

The advertising campaign on Yandex was set up and brought its customers. The region of work is all CIS countries. The profit from this product was small, so they did not work on the search for dripping, owing to a lot of competition and expensive click prices.

Objective: while remaining within the cost of conversion, increase sales of a particular product based on existing advertising campaigns.

Actions: took a few new photos of the product, remade the text of the headings and ads closer to the subject of the product itself, filtered out key phrases, processed and added some new keywords. Grouped key groups.

As a result, received 3 advertising campaigns (Moscow and the region, Russia, CIS).

In each Ads there were 4 ad groups, each group had 15 ads with different image formats.


By comparison, the 15 days of September and October.

Cost of conversion: 25.84 R. (+ 25%)

Number of conversions: 685 Р (+ 283%)

Number of hits: 4 million (+ 800%)

The result of the work is visible in the table:

An additional “bonus” for a client is an increase in the number of visits to the site. Considering that there are a lot of goods in the store, and we dealt with only one.


Shop of the manufacturer of leather and fur products in Moscow.

Shop manufacturer of leather jackets, coats, fur coats, etc. in Moscow. It is necessary to increase the number of foreign clients. There were working RKs on the search. Ads cases – shop.
A task:
It was necessary to set up the Google Display Network for foreigners who came to Russia for the World Cup and want to buy products made of genuine leather and fur of Russian origin. Geography: Moscow and the region.
Google created the RK in the contextual Media Network with pictures. The keywords in English were divided into 4 themes: women’s fur coats, women’s leather jackets and sheepskin coats, men’s leather jackets and sheepskin coats and competitors. It turned out 4 groups of ads. All headings and texts were in English. The client created a site in English for this campaign. The conversion was to view the store address and / or view at least 5 pages.

Area Impressions Clicks Price of the click, RUB CTR,% Price of the conversions, RUB Conversions, %
Google Network 1 398 099 5 200 17,26 0,37 43,77 39,44

The client was a little surprised that the budget of 5 000 rub / day was barely enough. But in fact I saw a serious increase in foreign buyers. The implementation was at the proper level, so the total amount spent for the month of 89 756,46 rubles paid off completely.


The chain of restaurants Britannica Project in Kaliningrad.

Conditions: There is a working restaurant network in Kaliningrad. In the summer season, it is required to increase the staff.
A task: It was necessary to find chefs to work in the restaurants of the Britannica Project network in Kaliningrad. Geography: Kaliningrad. Ads cases – restorant.
Actions: In Yandex created a PK to search for a cook. Only advertising on the search. As a result of the narrow GEO, the key groups were grouped into three groups of ads. For 12 days received 1,412 impressions, from 3 to 8 clicks per day. The conversion was the completion of the questionnaire.

Area Impressions Clicks Price of the click, RUB CTR,% wCTR,% Conversions, %
Yandex. Search 1 412 69 17,56 4,89 10,80 4,35

Result: According to the client, the questionnaire was rarely filled out. Basically they called with questions. The goal for the cook was achieved.


Cowberry – a vegan shop.

Conditions: there were operating AC. High costs, expensive clicks, the minimum number of sales through the Internet.

The task: to reduce the costs for the client in the AC. Create a stable stream of product sales via the Internet. Geography: all of Russia. Ads cases – e-shop.

Actions: 19 groups of advertisements were created. For each group of products or separately for a specific product. In the table, the results of the AC for the first half of March 2018.

It also shows comparison of indicators with the previous AC.

Platform spent, RUR Clicks cost per click, RUR CTR,% Conversions,% Target price, RUR
Yandex. YAN 1 205 505 2,39 0,79 33.1 7,22
comparison with previous -65,5% +47% -74% +339% +5,1% -75%

Result: 4 times reduced the cost of the order. Increased the number of sales through the Internet. The PK is continuing.


Sale of spare parts for industrial equipment. Ads cases 4.

Conditions: This is basically marketing b2b. There was a small experience of the AC in the search for Google with a budget of 100-150 EUR / month. Ads cases – bearings.

The task: to attract customers who do not know about the company or do not go to contact. Geography: all of Latvia.

Actions: individual AC were created for each product (bearings of four brands, drive belts, drive chains, cable support systems). Campaigns in the search did not bring results at an expensive cost per click. In the table, the results of the AC for February 2018.

Platform Impressions Clicks cost per click, EUR CTR,% Conversions,% Target price, EUR
Yandex, YAN 45 000 81 0,07 0,18 28,0 0,36
Google, CDN 1 344 000 2 150 0,33 0.16 12,5 2,72

Result: during the first two months they received an increase in turnover by 20%, despite the winter and the beginning of the year. According to statistics at this time there was a seasonal drop in sales.


Accounting services in Riga. Ads cases 3.

Conditions: the number of customers decreased. Traditional advertising through the service ads ss.lv has ceased to give effect.

The task: to attract customers, preferably for constant service. Geography: all of Latvia. Ads cases – bussines.

Actions: separate AC were created for male and female audiences. Only contextual campaigns. The budget for the start is 20 Euro. In the table the results of the RK are from 5 to 21 February 2018.

Platform Impressions Clicks cost per click, EUR CTR,% Conversions,% Target price, EUR
Yandex, YAN 3 500 0 0 0 0 0
Google, CDN 117 000 140 0,14 0.12 11,5 1,19

Result: The campaigns in Yandex did not work. Campaigns at Google have attracted several companies to work on an ongoing basis. As a result of the full staff load, all AC were stopped, new clients are not needed at the moment.


GPS-tracker. Ads cases 2.

Conditions: In the warehouse remained the goods purchased at a high price. A large number of offers from different manufacturers. Many direct offers with AliExpress. Ads cases – e-shop.

The task:: It is necessary to sell the warehouse at a price of 20-30% higher than that of the analogs. Geography: all of Russia.

Actions: a separate lending was created for this GPS tracker. Was created AC focused only on tracking the car plus a group of ads for women only “make a gift.” In the table, the results of the AC for December 2017.

Platform Impressions Clicks cost per click, RUR CTR,% Conversions,% Target price, RUR
Yandex. YAN 1 541 000 3 005 2,48 0,195 11.5 21.57

Result: within three weeks (before the New Year) the warehouse was sold.


Mobile service for the repair of industrial equipment. Ads cases 1.

Conditions: high competition. A new service from the company has not yet earned the trust of customers. In this case, a small team of mechanics – 4 people.

The task: to create the feeling of a large and reliable company. Attract large regular customers. Geography: all Riga and the nearest cities. Ads cases – service.

Actions: AC was created for several ad groups. Each group with an emphasis on its specialization (welded work, repair of conveyors, equipment repair). In the table, the results of the AC for November 2017.

Platform Impressions Clicks cost per click, EUR CTR,% Conversions,% Target price, EUR
Yandex. YAN 11 500 34 0.15 0,295 23.5 0.64

Result: Within a month received several standing orders and ensured the full load of the service personnel. The expansion was not planned, so they stopped the campaign and closed the site. The total cost was 5.10 Euro.

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